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Benefits of Hot Stone Massage

 What is a hot rock massage? The stones are heated to temperatures as high as 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot stone massage oil is applied to the skin and stones to provide them smooth movement. This article will give an overview of the benefits of a hot stone massage. Here are some tips to make the most of this massage. Also, check out our article on preparing for an intense hot stone massage. Hot stones can be heated between 100 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit While the effects of massage with hot stones are not entirely known however, research suggests that it could be beneficial for some painful conditions. People suffering from fibromyalgia which is a disorder characterized by chronic pain, could benefit from hot stone therapy. One study found that participants who received 30-minute massages had less trigger points as well as lower levels of substance P. But, more research is needed to determine whether this massage could become the standard treatment for fibromyalgia. A 2013 study suggests that moderate pressure massage could be beneficial to patients suffering from rheumatoid. Participants reported less pain and reduced levels of substance P, a hormone linked with inflammation and chronic pain. While many massage therapists will utilize heated massage stones for clients, they do not offer any way to check the temperature of the stones. Most spas use towel warmers to heat the stones. The hot stones may be set at a particular temperature to allow the massage practitioner to work on a client's feet, head and legs. Essential oils are typically employed during a hot stone massage. The most commonly used essential oils are basil, thyme and peppermint, and sweet marjoram. Hot stone massages can also include cold stones Hot stone massages use smooth, heated stones to relax muscles and ease the pain. The stones can be placed on specific parts of the body, or all over the body to massage various areas. Massage therapists may utilize hot stones to treat arthritis or injuries, while others use cold stones to soothe veins that are engorged. Massage therapists often choose stones by the smoothness they are and how long they have been in the form. Hot stones can provide deep relaxation and balance your body's metabolism. They can be used to treat depression, anxiety disorders and hypertension. This massage can also boost your cardiovascular system. It helps address the issues that hinder people from sleeping well, including tension, muscle injuries, pain, and stress. This treatment is effective in treating chronic ailments such as insomnia and irritable bowel syndrome. This massage is also recommended for treating chronic pain. Preparing for a Hot Stone Massage To ensure you get the best experience possible, preparing for a relaxing hot stone massage should be a top priority. The first step is to avoid having heavy meals before your appointment. This is because the stones are extremely hot and could cause dehydration. Hence, you should not eat a large meal for two hours prior to the appointment. The massage will be more enjoyable if you're completely relaxed and have no worries. In addition to relieving muscle tension The warmth of the stones also promotes relaxation. The heat of the stones can also improve circulation and mental peace. As a result, the massage therapist will be able to adjust the pressure on any specific area and not strain his or her hands. This is why the hot stone massage is especially beneficial for women who are pregnant. This kind of massage can also be a good option for people who suffer from joint pains and other disorders.